About us

I am a woodworker and woodturner with a passion for projects inspired by nature or mythology. English by birth, I’ve lived in Poland for 20 years with my wife Kasia.

For 10 years I’ve spent all my spare time in the workshop but recently gave up my job in technology to focus full time on artisan works in wood.

Fairytale creature: Troll
Language: English
I am the artistic talent in the team as well as the organiser and manager. I add finishing touches to pieces created by Chris (or tell him to do them again) and I’m responsible for customer service and business partners (as well as quality control).

I am 110% Polish, possibly more.

Fairytale creature: Dragon (friendly)
Language: Polish, English. Italian
Buffy patrols the perimeter of Fairytale Workshop keeping a careful eye on passers by. She is responsible for workshop security and guest verification.

Buffy is a ten year old rough collie (at time of writing) and is a real lady.

Fairytale creature: The Queen
Rosie is the Fairytale Workshop apprentice. She loves unboxing new machines and getting first sniff. Often found directly behind Chris buried in a pile of sawdust.

Rosie – a Sheltie – is very good at whittling sticks with her teeth and disturbing buffy.

Fairytale creature: Mischievous Elf
Language: Food